Empowering Inclusivity: A Heartfelt Tale
The best thing is the simplest thing!
In January 2024, TORRAS was deeply touched by a heartwarming story from one of our remarkable users, who is blind with no light perception. She shared her inspiring journey of independently putting a screen protector to her phone for the very first time, without any sided assistance. Her words: "I'm very independent and I'm always looking for things that can help me be even more independently" filled us with warmth and gratitude, reminding us of the real impact our products can have on people's lives. It's stories like these that fuel our passion to create innovative solutions that empower and uplift our users every day.

TORRAS's 3-step setup screen protector: Click here to view more detail

Showing making procedure is a good way to guarantee product quality
Include a variety of different forms of content. Photographs and videos are particularly important because readers tend to be visual and want to see your product in action.

Get customer attention by clean visual and video
Make it easy to buy by eliminating stumbling blocks to purchase. Don’t assume customers know which item you’re talking about in your post. Provide a link directly to the product page or just link the product to your blog so they can buy if they want. If it relevant give readers more than one way to get to the product.
Article credit: Heidi Cohen (https://heidicohen.com/use-blog-to-sell/)