So machen Sie eine Silikon-Telefonhülle weniger rutschig

Silikon-Handyhüllen werden für ihre weiche Haptik, Flexibilität und Haltbarkeit gelobt. Aber wenn Sie schon einmal eine Silikon-Handyhülle verwendet haben, ist Ihnen wahrscheinlich aufgefallen, wie rutschig sie sein kann. Das kann frustrierend sein, wenn Ihnen Ihr Telefon immer wieder unbemerkt aus der Hand rutscht. Es gibt ein paar einfache Möglichkeiten, Silikon-Handyhüllen weniger rutschig und sicherer in der Hand zu machen, also schauen wir uns das mal an.

Why Are Silicone Phone Cases Slippery?

Silikon-Telefonhüllen können sich aus mehreren Gründen rutschig anfühlen. Diese hängen alle mit den Eigenschaften und dem Design des Materials zusammen. Hier ist der Grund:

Glatte Oberfläche aus Silikon

Der Hauptgrund, warum sich Silikonhüllen rutschig anfühlen, ist ihre glatte, weiche Oberfläche. Silikon ist von Natur aus ein glattes Material, das zwar sehr flexibel und stoßdämpfend ist, aber nicht viel Struktur für einen festen Griff bietet. Dies kann das Halten erschweren, insbesondere mit einer Hand, da weniger Reibung zwischen Ihren Fingern und der Hülle entsteht.

Fehlende Textur

Im Gegensatz zu Hüllen aus Materialien wie Leder oder Gummi, die oft eine Art Textur oder Muster für besseren Halt aufweisen, sind viele Silikonhüllen glatt und minimalistisch gestaltet. Das Fehlen solcher Muster oder Rillen kann dazu führen, dass sie sich anfühlen, als würden sie aus der Hand rutschen, insbesondere wenn Sie in Bewegung sind oder das Telefon locker halten.

Flexibel, aber nicht griffig

Die Flexibilität von Silikon ist ein großer Vorteil in Sachen Schutz. Es absorbiert Stöße gut und hilft, Schäden durch Stürze zu vermeiden. Seine Flexibilität bedeutet jedoch auch, dass es nicht die starre Struktur hat, die den festen Griff bietet, den Sie von härteren Materialien erwarten würden. Wenn Sie eine Silikonhülle halten, fühlt sie sich im Vergleich zu einem stabileren Material wie Kunststoff möglicherweise nicht so sicher oder stabil in Ihrer Hand an.

Glatte Oberfläche

Silikon wird häufig mit einer glatten oder glänzenden Oberfläche hergestellt, die das rutschige Gefühl verstärken kann. Diese Glätte kann das Halten noch schwieriger machen, insbesondere wenn Ihre Hände schwitzen oder sich Öl von Ihrer Haut in der Hülle angesammelt hat. Aufgrund dieser Faktoren sind Silikonhüllen für Mobiltelefone ideal zum Schutz, aber nicht immer am einfachsten zu greifen.

Ways to Make Your Silicone Phone Case Less Slippery

If you're tired of your silicone phone case slipping out of your hand, don’t worry—there are a few simple ways to improve its grip. Here are some effective methods to make your silicone case feel more secure and less slippery:

Texturing the Surface

One of the easiest ways to make a silicone case less slippery is by adding some texture to its surface. Silicone is naturally smooth, but you can change that with a bit of effort.

  • How to Do It:
    Grab some fine-grit sandpaper (around 200 grit) and gently rub it across the surface of your silicone case. You don’t need to press too hard, just enough to add subtle texture. Alternatively, you could use a textured tool or a rough file to achieve a similar result.

  • Why It Works:
    By roughening up the case's surface, you increase the friction between the phone and your hand. This added texture helps create a firmer grip and reduces the chances of the case slipping out of your hand.

Grip Tape or Stickers

Grip tape is a great way to improve the grip of your silicone case without making any permanent changes. It’s commonly used on sports equipment, but it can work just as well on your phone case.

  • How to Do It
    You can find grip tape at most sports stores or online. Cut it into strips or shapes that will fit the back or sides of your phone case. Stick it on, and you’re good to go. There are also grip stickers available in various designs, so you can personalize your case while improving its grip.

  • Why It Works
    Grip tape provides additional friction to the back of your case, making it easier to hold, especially when you're using your phone with one hand. The rubbery texture of the tape enhances your phone’s grip, so it’s less likely to slip.

Rubberized Coating or Grip Spray

For a more professional solution, you can use a rubberized coating or grip spray designed specifically for phone cases. These products are easy to apply and provide long-lasting results.

  • How to Do It:
    Purchase a grip spray or rubberized coating that’s safe for use on silicone. Follow the instructions on the packaging, typically applying an even layer to your case and allowing it to dry. Some sprays may require multiple coats, so make sure to follow the directions for best results.

  • Why It Works:
    The coating creates a non-slip surface that makes the phone feel more secure in your hand. The rubberized finish gives your case a slightly tacky texture, improving friction and grip, which helps reduce the chances of accidental slips.

Opt for Cases with Built-In Grip Features

If you're looking for an easier, no-fuss solution, consider switching to a silicone case that already has grip-enhancing features. Many modern cases are designed with textured sides, patterns, or even rubberized materials to improve grip.

  • How to Do It:
    Choose a silicone phone case that specifically mentions “grip” or “textured” features. TORRAS, for example, offers cases that have built-in grip patterns to ensure a better, firmer hold.

  • Why It Works:
    These cases are designed from the start to improve your phone's grip, combining the benefits of silicone's protection with enhanced traction. It’s an easy way to upgrade your phone case without having to make modifications yourself.

Clean Your Silicone Case Regularly

Sometimes, slipperiness is a result of oil, dust, or grime that accumulates on the surface of your silicone case. Cleaning it regularly can help restore its grip.

  • How to Do It:
    Clean your case with mild soap and water, or use a mixture of vinegar and water to wipe down the surface. Make sure to dry it thoroughly before using it again. You can also use a microfiber cloth to remove oils and fingerprints.

  • Why It Works:
    By removing excess oils and dirt from your case, you help restore its natural grip. A clean surface allows your hand to maintain better contact with the case, reducing the slippery feel.

While silicone phone cases are known for their flexibility and protection, their tendency to slip can be a drawback. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to address this issue without compromising the overall functionality or appearance of your phone case. If you're looking for the best of both worlds, protection and grip, consider a high-quality phone case like TORRAS.

They design cases that not only offer protection, but also features such as multi-angle holders and enhanced gripping materials for your comfort.Related: How to Clean a Silicone Phone Case

Are silicone phone cases good?

Silicone phone cases are a popular choice for their soft, flexible feel and reliable protection. While they offer good shock absorption and a slim profile, they can sometimes be slippery and attract dirt or oils over time. For those looking for something more functional, consider cases with built-in stands, which are becoming a significant trend in phone case design.

Built-in stand cases are an excellent option for users who value both convenience and functionality. These cases typically feature a multi-angle kickstand, allowing you to prop your phone up in landscape or portrait mode. This design is perfect for watching videos, video calls, or even hands-free browsing. Built-in stands add versatility to your phone, making it easier to use without having to constantly hold it.

For instance, TORRAS Ostand Spin Fusion iPhone cases offer a 360° rotating stand, allowing you to adjust the angle with ease. This is especially useful for those who frequently use their phones for entertainment or work, as it makes the phone easier to position without needing a separate stand.


All in all, silicone cases are a reliable choice for many due to their affordability, protection and comfort. However, if you're looking for more convenience, especially hands-free use, cases with built-in stands are a great option.

Consider coming to TORRAS to find the latest in high-quality mobile phone cases. Including iPhone 16 cases, iPhone 15 cases, and the latest Samsung phone cases, our cases are both stylish and functional, so there's something for everyone.